Download weChat for Windows

Modern software for devices opens up a huge number of useful features that are necessary for full and colorful life.  One of them is a computer version of a popular application for communication which is called weChat. On this page you can download Wechat for Windows.

 Most people, in many cases are using mobile devices for communication in the network. But the usual social networks do not provide a complete set of tools for networking. Therefore, people (especially young people) often use different analogues for communication via mobile or computer devices.

wechat for windows

Most popular among them is a mobile instant messenger weChat

Most of these applications are cross-platform, and they allow users to communicate through these smart phones Windows Phone, Android, BlackBerry and Iphone. All users set a specific chat application can send to each other and receive messages via Wi-Fi or the Internet.

 But version for computer is something different. It gives you more opportunities and more emotions. And all this not only because of full screen of computer. Just version for computer is more comfortable. First of all, you will not have to distract to mobile phone. You will see all chats on your computer screen. Also you will have an opportunity to see photos and videos in a full size.

Download weChat for Windows